November 1, 2008

Another Crazy Week...

Wow, what a week. On this past bitterly cold Monday, Tim and I went to to The Cleveland Clinic for a follow up appointment. From there we dropped off scripts and went grocery shopping at Big Bird. He's doing very well and sends his love.
He's offically settled into his new apartment and the pictures I ordered to make his place look "Homey" just came in yesterday. I'm a girl, have to spruce the place up a bit. Tim, just wait until Denise and I show up with a Christmas Tree and decorations:) Tough, you are going to listen to the ladies of the family!:) Denise, you know I am proud of you. Stay strong girl, and know that you have MY support.
I spent the rest of the week preparing for St. Barnabas' MOMS EXPO and T's school Halloween Party. I am working with vendors willing to exhibit thier small buisness products and services to benefit our group and our church. Anyone interested in helping, please contact me.
Other than that, nothing else new. Unfortunately, my camera is MIA and I have no pictures to post of the week the kids dressed up and all the Halloween festivities . I really wish I could to share pics with MY friends and family... Oh well, guess I have to go and drop money I really do not have on a new one... Welcome to the middle class.
I hope all is well with everyone, and when I find my camera, or find time to go out and purchase a new one, I'LL POST...